
百科达人 | 发布时间:2024-06-20 01:50:01 | 小编:找百科 - www.80007.net
找百科:专业的百科知识平台 QQ:7384656




TED-ED 这个视频很生动地讲述了十二生肖的故事。



In Western astrology, it's a constellation determined by when your birthday falls in the calendar.在西方占星学中,星座是由你的生日在(日历上的)什么时候决定的。

I couldn’t endure the pain. 我受不了这个疼痛。

battle: 在这里是动词,斗争,较量The dragon stopped to help some creatures she had encountered on the way.龙停下来,帮助她在路上遇到的一些动物。

encounter: 动词:(意外)遇到 (人)另外,遭遇到(问题、困难),也用 encounter。

After her came the horse, galloping across the river.她之后,是一匹马,飞奔跨过河流。

gallop: 指马的飞奔,或人骑在马上疾驰 (a horse moves very fast or a person rides very fast on a horse)But just as she got across, the snake slithered by.但就在她跨过的时候,蛇溜了过去。

slither: 动词:滑行,蛇行 (to slide somewhere over a surface, twisting or moving from side to side)The startled horse reared back, letting the snake sneak into sixth place.受惊的马往后仰,让蛇溜到了第六名。

sneak : 偷偷地走,溜 (to go somewhere secretly and quietly)The sheep had been the most comforting and harmonious of them羊是他们中最令人抚慰、最友好和睦的。

harmonious: 形容词:和谐的,友好和睦的 (friendly and helpful to one another)和谐的名词是 harmonyDifferent ethnic groups live together in harmony.Next came the dog, scrambling onto the shore.接下来是狗,它爬上了岸。

scramble: 动词:爬 (to climb up, down, or over something quickly and with difficulty, especially using your hands to help you)He was a great swimmer, but frolicked in the water for so long that he only managed to come in eleventh.他很会游泳,但在水里嬉戏了太长时间,最后才勉强得了第十一名。

frolic: 动词:过去式、过去分词写作 frolicked, 现在分词 frolicking ,嬉戏 ( to play in an active happy way)The final spot was claimed by the pig, who had gotten hungry and stopped to eat and nap before finally waddling across the finish line.最后一名是猪。

在最终跨过终点线之前,它饿了,停下来吃东西,还打了个盹,waddle: 动词:摇摇晃晃地行走 (to walk with short steps, with your body moving from one side to the other – used especially about people or birds with fat bodies and short legs)。

找百科:专业的百科知识平台 QQ:7384656

