
百科达人 | 发布时间:2024-07-08 00:48:02 | 小编:找百科 - www.80007.net
找百科:专业的百科知识平台 QQ:7384656






只会把爱人叫作honey?这里有20种甜蜜昵称 拿走不谢!(上)

Photo by Lars Blankers on UnsplashBesides the fruit, what did "tomato" refer to?昵称十一:番茄In the 1930s, the term referred to an attractive woman. 20世纪30年代,这个词被用于指代有魅力的女人。

If you were an Oliver Twist, it meant you were good at what?昵称十三:奥利弗·特威斯特The slang was popular in the 1920s to describe a skilled dancer. 这个在20世纪20年代很流行的俚语用来形容水平高超的舞者。

If you said someone was "all that and a bag of chips," you meant they were what?昵称十四:所有这些外加一包薯片If you grew up in the 1990s, you mean they were the best and then some. 如果你成长于20世纪90年代,all that and a bag of chips的意思是某人是最好的,而且还远不止此。

Photo by Laura College on UnsplashWhat did the term "buck" refer to?昵称十五:雄鹿In Edwardian England, a "buck" was a well-dressed man with a sense of fashion. 在爱德华七世时代的英格兰,“雄鹿”指有时尚品位的穿着考究的男人。

If you said someone was "cute as a bug's ear," you meant they were what?昵称十六:像小虫子的耳朵一样可爱In the 1930s, it referred to someone who had cute or attractive features. 在20世纪30年代,这个短语指某人有可爱或迷人的五官。

What did calling someone a "turtle dove" mean?昵称十七:斑鸠A "turtle dove" refers to a sweetheart or beloved partner. “斑鸠”用来称呼情人或爱侣。

Photo by Karina Vorozheeva on UnsplashWhat was a "butter and egg fly"?昵称十八:蝴蝶In the 1930s, it referred to an attractive woman who had many followers and admirers. 在20世纪30年代,butter and egg fly这个短语用来指代有很多追随者和倾慕者的女人。

Unlike modern day, "bully" used to refer to what?昵称十九:妙人(英语单词bully在现代指欺凌弱小者)In the 1500s, it was a gender neutral term for sweetheart or darling. 在16世纪,这个词是一个中性词,意思是甜心或亲爱的。

What did "my little cabbage" mean?昵称二十:我的小卷心菜In 16th-century France, it was another word for sweetheart or darling. In French, the saying was "mon petit chou."在16世纪的法国,这个短语相当于甜心或亲爱的。

法语是mon petit chou。

找百科:专业的百科知识平台 QQ:7384656

